Dishes. Ugh. Just hearing the word irritates me. About how many times a day do the dishes in your house need to be washed? Who does them? And is there a dish washer involved? Does the chore get shared among others in your house hold or is it solely your responsibility? How many other people are dirtying those dishes besides yourself?
Heres my thing. I wash dishes at least three times a day (after each meal). Sometimes more if I'm baking, cooking for a holiday/party or a multitude of other reasons. I dont have a dish washer so I have to wash all my dishes by hand. Including the sippy cups which I despise. I clean up after all 5 of us. Even the smallest amount of dishes is a huge chore. Reason being.......Alex, Emma and William. Its like they go into this anti-washing mode anytime the faucet water turns on. As soon as I put my hands into the water and they're covered in soapy bubbles Emma needs more juice, William wants his shoes on, Alex needs me to look at his new play set, Emma wants a wipey, William needs a cracker, now Alex needs more juice, Emma's sock is twisted, Alex cant get his button fastened, William stole Emma's toy, Alex wants to know how to pronounce leaellynasaura (lee-ell-in-ah-saw-rah), Emma cant get her credit card back in her wallet, William wants 'up, up', Alex wants to know how to pronounce Jingshanosaurus (yin-shahn-oh-saw-rus), Emma wants a hug, Williams trying to eat out of the trash can, and Alex neeeeeeds to know how to say sinosauropteryx (sy-no-saw-op-tur-iks).
I do not exaggerate the situation. I have three kids that are 1, 2, and 4. They can be a handful. I haven't quite figured out the reasoning behind the dishes stressor. They can be completely engulfed in whatever toy they have or cartoon they are watching and then poof. I do dishes and they are practically climbing up my legs. I get to wash one maybe two dishes before one or more of them come running up to me. They keep me busy.
This was just a rant so no deep thoughts on this one.
I've found that dishes seem to multiply when you aren't looking. And that kids have that special sensor in their heads that tell them that Mom needs to do something and so they need to stop it. It's kind of like when you have to go to the bathroom....the kids are playing all nice so you think you can sneak off to pee real quick. Nope! Next thing you know, all the kids are at the door, asking what you're doing and when are you going come out, etc. In my case now, it's all my animals. They're putting their paws under the door or trying to push the door open. So I went from kids to grandkids to pets, all wanting the attention. lol
ReplyDeleteThat was a funny one, Carolyn! I think part of it is just knowing that Mom is busy doing something that doesn't require that they have your full attention. The thing that irritates me about dishes in this house is that I can have an empty sink and/or dishwasher and the dishes get put on the counter right next to the sink. Crazy!!