Thursday, January 27, 2011

365 In A Flash

Have you ever thought about making a photographic journal?  I decided that I would give it a try. The idea is to take a photo a day for each of the 365 days in a year. I have to tell you, its much easier to do than I originally imagined. Mostly because I bust out my camera at the drop of a hat and click away. I find that the most difficult part is deciding which picture to use each day.

Another challenge for me is what to photograph. I have photos of my kids, other people & their kids, nature, toys, food, animals, etc. Some pictures I thought would be cute to include in future blogs and others were reflective of what we played with and/or did that day. I can't wait until we have more warm days than cold so there will be more fun things to do and experience. 

My main reason for accepting this challenge is my kids. Life goes by ever so quickly and there are so many everyday events that we let go by as insignificant.  Just because they are things we see and do everyday should not decrease there value. Take laundry for example. Not very exciting and its such a chore. Especially when Williams unfolding things faster than I can fold them. Emma wants to put each sock away one at a time. And Alex, well he just wants to play with the basket before its even empty. These memories don't really sound special right now. But wait until next week. When were remembering, William with a towel over his head spinning in circles and Emma with her daddies socks on as mittens, it becomes funny. Next year when Alex is no longer interested in playing with the basket it will become kinda sad. Therefore even these most mundane of tasks are opportunities for play, memories and you guessed!! 

So by taking such a boring task and turning it into a photo opt I hope I have inspired you to jump on this wagon with me. Even if its a picture of the cupcakes we made yesterday or of a building block creation we made last week it will still have a story behind it and therefore be a wonderful memory to share. 

Now go get your click on.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for helping me realize all the silly pictures I take are meaningful after all!
