Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Laying the Foundation

Lets cut straight to the point. I've never blogged a day before in my life. Even the word 'blog' sends a little chill down my spine. I feel that because of the word I should be writing some epic life altering novel. If that's what you thought I was gonna do then I'll save you the frustration of reading my full page of ramblings and send you on your way. No hard feelings, really. I'm inspired to do this vigilantly as a form of life journaling. So when the day comes that my body no longer hungers for the breath of life that my story may live on. In my own words. 

My story is simple and not very interesting. Though true is the same of any great novel. First one must lay the foundation for which the rest of the story may stand. This is where my story begins....

.....as a full time stay at home mommy of three exuberant children. 

My oldest son, Alex, recently turned four. He is the typical boy. Loves to play with his dart guns. He tells me almost daily that its 'Nerf or Nothin!!' He's also a huge Star Wars fan (due in part to his dads obsession) and never goes anywhere without his light-saber. He has an imaginary t-rex dinosaur named Kevin-Kell. Still trying to figure out how he came up with that name. Kevin-Kell came to join the family after watching the Jurassic Park trilogy one too many times. Needless to say he loves him some dinosaurs. 

My daughter, Emma, is two and a half. She's the perfect combination of girly girl and tom boy. She will jump in the mud as quick as anyone but she has to do it in her totally rockin sparkly pink shoes. She's a fighter. Full of spunk and teenage drama already. Then there's her nurturing side. Always first in line to do chores or just help out. She's my shopping buddy, my little 'Princess Pie'.

My youngest son, William, is one. He was supposed to be a girl but that's a whole nother blog. He loves to dance and recently started doing a ballerina twirl. He throws his arms up in the air, locking his hands together and just spins. He's a great cuddler and none stop hugger. This boy can eat too. He's got this sock monkey that smells like a combination of juice and baby drool that he carries everywhere. He sleeps with it, chews on it, throws and tackles it. Its his 'Monkey' and he loves it.

Only a small description to lay the foundation on this journey we call life. 

Tune in next time.


  1. Love it! Keep writing!

    Sending lots of encouragement your way!


  2. I am so proud of you for doing this for your children! It is something they will always treasure. Keep writing!!
